Patient Stories

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Matt L.
April 20, 2020

He battled cirrhosis of the liver for about 6 months until we found out he had end stage liver failure and his kidneys started to malfunction as well.

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Marlene K.
April 20, 2020

She saw a GI specialist to help her with her illness, and had a nurse who became her advocate in this fight. She was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver.

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Pilar C.
April 20, 2020

I was diagnosed with PBC after a year of elevated liver enzymes. I have made an effort to learn all I can about liver disease in general.

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Noel R.
April 20, 2020

When she was just two months old, Noel was diagnosed with a liver disease called Biliary Atresia. Her parents were devastated when she had to undergo surgery to clear her bile ducts.

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Nick W.
April 20, 2020

Diagnosed with biliary atresia at only two weeks old and receiving his first surgery at three and a half weeks, Nick ultimately needed a liver transplant when he entered adolescence.

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Regina S.
April 20, 2020

Regina's symptoms did not improve and a biopsy revealed primary biliary cirrhosis, an autoimmune disease that attacks the liver. She needed an expert in liver disease.

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April 20, 2020

I was diagnosed with PBC Primary Biliary Cholangitis in May 09, after having pain from straining to move something at work.

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April 17, 2020

It took many hospital visits, inconclusive tests and finally a visit to learn Emma had Crigler-Najjar Syndrome, a rare life-threatening genetic condition that affects the liver.

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April 17, 2020

Our son Andrew was born September 30, 2013 with a genetic liver disease called Alagille Syndrome. At 8 days old we started seeing a liver specialist at Children’s of Alabama.

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Isaac L.
April 17, 2020

Having a child with a rare genetic liver disease can be filled with so much fear, anxiety and uncertainty. Our son Isaac, 17, has genetic mutations on his ABCB11 gene.

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Kim B.
April 17, 2020

Towards the end of my pregnancy I developed an unbearable itch over my entire body. I was diagnosed with cholestasis of pregnancy.

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Megan D.
April 17, 2020

I was experiencing complications and attending Riley Hospital for Children, to soon discover after a year of tests that I was diagnosed with Wilson’s disease.

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