Supporting the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act: A Call to Action for Liver Disease Advocates

June 14, 2024

At American Liver Foundation (ALF), we are dedicated to advocating for the health and well-being of the 100 million Americans affected by liver disease. A significant portion of this community suffers from conditions directly exacerbated by obesity, such as metabolic dysfunction associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) and metabolic dysfunctionassociated steatohepatitis (MASH). These diseases not only affect adults but are also the leading cause of childhood liver disease in the U.S., a trend alarmingly tied to the rise in childhood obesity.

Why Support the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2023?

The Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (TROA) of 2023 is a pivotal piece of legislation that seeks to establish Medicare Part D coverage for FDA-approved anti-obesity medications and intensive behavioral therapy. This Act is not just about treating obesity; it's about preventing severe liver diseases that can arise as a result. By providing coverage for anti-obesity medications, we can significantly lower the risk of diseases like MASLD from progressing to more severe forms like MASH, which is expected to become the leading cause of liver transplants in the U.S.

The recent decision by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to cover semaglutide, an anti-obesity medication, for individuals with cardiovascular disease marks a positive step forward. However, it is crucial that this coverage is expanded to encompass all approved anti-obesity medications to benefit everyone struggling with obesity. As shown in a recent letter endorsed by nearly 45 nonprofit organizations, expanded medication coverage can markedly improve public health outcomes.

How Can You Help?

  1. Take Action on TROA: Members of Congress value input from their constituents when deciding how to vote on legislation. Reach out to your representatives in Congress to express your support for TROA. Let them know how this legislation can change lives by preventing serious liver conditions linked to obesity.

Send your message now by using our pre-filled form here.

  1. Join ALF as an Advocacy Ambassador: Become an ALF Advocacy Ambassador to play a more active role in our advocacy efforts! You will receive updates on critical advocacy issues, training on how to effectively advocate for change, and opportunities to connect with other advocates passionate about liver health.

Sign up to receive alerts for liver health advocacy here.

Why Your Voice Matters

Obesity is a treatable condition, and with the right legislative support and medical coverage, we can prevent many at-risk individuals from developing severe liver diseases. Your advocacy not only helps in the fight against liver disease but also supports broader public health efforts to manage and reduce obesity across the nation. At ALF, we stand committed to fighting for those affected by liver disease, and we invite you to join us in this critical battle. Together, we can advocate for meaningful change and help secure a healthier future for millions of Americans.

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