September 8th is International PBC Awareness Day, Know the Facts

September 6, 2024

Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC) Progresses Slowly, Warning Signs Could be Missed

This Sunday, September 8th, is International PBC Awareness Day and American Liver Foundation (ALF) is encouraging everyone to know the facts and warning signs of this autoimmune liver disease. Primary Biliary Cholangitis, more commonly known as PBC, may progress slowly and many people do not have symptoms, particularly in the early stages of the disease. The disease mostly affects women between the ages of 45-65 and the most common initial symptoms are fatigue and itching of the skin (pruritus).

“PBC is such a challenging disease and early diagnosis is critical to ensuring the best possible outcome for patients,” said Lorraine Stiehl, CEO, American Liver Foundation. “I’ve learned so much from our patient volunteers affected by PBC, and I can’t stress enough how important it is to speak with your doctor if you have any unexplained, persistent symptoms.” 

While there is no cure for PBC, treatment can help delay the condition’s progression and manage complications. A liver transplant may be required in severe cases. Researchers estimate that in the U.S., about 65 out of every 100,000 women have PBC. In addition to the most common symptoms of fatigue and itchy skin, other symptoms may include abdominal pain, darkening of the skin, small yellow or white bumps under the skin or around the eyes, dry mouth and eyes, and bone, muscle or joint pain. As the disease progresses, symptoms of cirrhosis can develop including jaundice, swelling of the legs and feet (edema), enlarged abdomen from fluid accumulation (ascites), or internal bleeding in the upper stomach and esophagus from enlarged veins (varices).

Patients with PBC are invited to join our upcoming webinar held jointly with the Canadian Liver Foundation (CLF) on September 10th at 7PM ET: PBC & PSC: Diagnosing, Treating, and Monitoring. An ALF and CLF Collaboration. This webinar will offer guidance and education on the causes, symptoms and diagnoses of primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) along with updates on the latest research and treatment options. Funding for this program is generously provided by Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

American Liver Foundation also offers resources and support services for people affected by PBC. In addition to our free helpline and online chat, ALF has a robust Facebook support group, Life with PBC: An American Liver Foundation Support Group, a  new peer support program that connects patients and caregivers one to one with others facing the same challenges of living with liver disease, a video made just for kids to explain PBC, and several educational webinars with the nation’s leading experts covering topics such as PBC basics, clinical trials, and the latest in treatment and research.

About the American Liver Foundation

American Liver Foundation (ALF) is a national community of patients, caregivers and medical professionals dedicated to helping people improve their liver health. Providing guidance and life-saving resources, we are a beacon for the 100 million Americans affected by liver disease. We advocate for patients and families, fund medical research and educate the public about liver wellness and disease prevention. We bring people together through our educational programs and events and create a network of support that lasts a lifetime. ALF is the largest organization focused on all liver diseases and the trusted voice for patients and families living with liver disease. For more information visit or call: 1 800 GO LIVER (800-465-4837).

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