American Liver Foundation Mourns the Loss of Josh Levitsky, MD, MS, FAST, FAASLD

February 20, 2025

A highly respected, devoted and patient-centric leader in the field of liver transplantation

American Liver Foundation (ALF) mourns the tragic loss of Josh Levitsky, MD, MS, FAST, FAASLD, a highly respected, devoted and patient-centric leader in the field of liver transplantation.

“The liver community has lost one of its greatest champions. An incredibly gifted yet humble giant, his devotion to helping liver patients live longer and healthier lives was at the core of everything he did throughout his illustrious career,” said Lorraine Stiehl, CEO, American Liver Foundation. “Dr. Levitsky’s passion for living donor liver transplantation as a solution to helping ensure that any liver patient who needed a transplant could receive one, greatly advanced the field and will remain a lasting legacy. Our heartfelt sympathies go out to his wife, Rachel, children Mia Beth and Benjamin Graham, and to all who loved him.”

A beloved professor, highly respected researcher, mentor and innovator who devoted his life to pursuing new treatments and cures for liver patients, Dr. Levitsky served as a Professor of Medicine, Surgery, and Medical Education and Hepatology Program Chief in the Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. He co-authored pivotal studies in liver transplantation and gave generously of his time serving on numerous prestigious boards and societies. Dr. Levitsky received his B.S. from the University of Michigan and M.D. from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Alpha Omega Alpha).

“Dr. Levitsky’s impact on the field of transplantation, in particular organ rejection in liver transplant recipients, cannot be overstated,” said Ari Cohen, MD, MBA, MSc, FRCSC, FACS, ALF National Board Member and Director of the Multi-Organ Transplant Institute and Director of Transplant Research at Ochsner Health. “He was instrumental in helping ALF create a new non-directed donor liver registry to address the shortage of available livers for transplantation. His enthusiasm for helping patients and extensive expertise will be greatly missed. May his memory be a blessing to all who knew and loved him.”

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