Susannah K.

Liver Transplant

My journey with liver disease began in 2009, when I was 12 years old. After being rushed to the ER due to burst esophageal varices, doctors were shocked to learn that my liver was dangerously close to failure. Luckily, the doctors were able to save my liver, sparing me the need to undergo a liver transplant. After a liver biopsy and many blood tests, the doctors confirmed their suspicions that I had Autoimmune Hepatitis. I was discharged after 6 days in the hospital with a heavy medication regimen. After a few months, the doctors learned that the immunosuppressant medication was barely doing any good, and they had to immediately switch me to a different immunosuppressant, which did work properly. I made a full recovery, and while I will most likely have to take medication for the rest of my life, I lead a completely normal life. My experience with liver disease inspired me to want to help others suffering from liver disease, and this year I spend a fabulous summer interning for the American Liver Foundation.

Last updated on July 11th, 2022 at 04:10 pm

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