A Legendary Mission to Raise Public Awareness 

More than 23 years ago, Jim Miller, American Liver Foundation (ALF) volunteer and 2024 Liver Life Challenge Global Ambassador, ran his first-ever marathon with ALF in memory of his father, James. Jim said, “I started this journey with Team ALF in 2000 at the most epic race – the Boston Marathon. Since then, I’ve made running marathons and raising awareness and funds for ALF and liver disease research my passion.”

In 1999, Jim’s father passed away from liver cancer which he developed after years of living with undiagnosed nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), now called metabolic dysfunction-associated liver disease (MASLD) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), now called metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH). Unfortunately, with nationwide obesity on the rise, and NASH estimated to become the leading cause of liver transplantation in the U.S. by 2025, James’ story is becoming all too common – however, Jim is on a legendary mission to help change that.

Racing Towards a World Free from Liver Disease

Jim raises awareness about liver disease, specifically fatty liver disease, by promoting exercise and nutrition throughout his community. He regularly runs marathons, sometimes completing 100-mile “ultramarathons” – including the Keys 100 next month and The Great New York 100 in June. Jim said, “I’ve been the oldest finisher in all six of my ultramarathons, including the two coming up this Summer and I attribute that to my commitment to eating well and exercising. I am currently 71 years old – the same age my father was when he passed away.” Jim ran his first 100 marathons in fourteen years – he doubled that number in just seven years and now, with race number 265 on the horizon, Jim has set his sights on an incredible goal: running his 300th marathon where it all began, with Team ALF at the 129th Boston Marathon in April 2025. In addition to this legendary feat, Jim has committed to raising an impressive $100,000. Jim said, “My campaign is very personal, as I want to spare others the hardship and heartache my family experienced. Staying healthy through vibrant exercise can do a lot to prevent this devastating disease and stave off its life-threatening complications. The need to educate Americans about the risk of fatty liver disease is more critical now than ever.


  • 80 to 100 million Americans have some form of fatty liver disease – many are unaware.
  • U.S. National Institutes of Health estimate between 75-90% overweight or severely obese people are affected by fatty liver disease.
  • Last year, 62% of people screened at ALF Think Liver Think Life® partner clinics or events had some form of fatty liver disease.
  • 93% of people who took ALF’s free online Liver Health Quiz received an “at-risk” result. Are you at risk?

One step at a time

Jim already has several fundraising and awareness events planned for the upcoming year. Jim said, “I’m working with my ATO fraternity brothers at the University of New Hampshire on a signature running event and I’m also working with ALF on a special fundraising event in Maine planned for mid-October. Additionally, to achieve my goal in this short amount of time, I plan to run eight 100-mile ultra marathons and several other local and international marathons, including the 2024 Berlin Marathon in Berlin, Germany with Team ALF, and will solicit new sponsors and pledges for each race. Will you help me reach my goal of $100,000?

April 22-26, 2024, is National Volunteer Week and we are grateful for Jim’s incredible drive to promote liver health and awareness and raise critical funds for the 100 million American affected by liver disease. Jim, you are a force to be reckoned with and we are honored to share this legendary mission – to free the world from liver disease – with you, one step, one mile, one marathon at a time. To learn more about ALF or for more information on how you can get involved, visit liverfoundation.org/how-you-can-help.

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