My daughter, Elise, was born in October 2011 with the rare pediatric liver disease, Biliary Atresia. We were told that she would likely require a liver transplant by age 2 in order to survive.
Holidays. Weddings. Anniversaries. Special Occasions. These are often the most joyous moments of our life. But liver disease can make it difficult to fully participate.
To help you understand how to eat if you have PBC, we consulted Megan Gutierrez, Advanced Dietitian who has extensive experience providing nutrition counseling to people with PBC.
Do you realize that your liver is depending on you? It’s true. Even though you can’t see it hidden away under your rib cage, if your liver could speak to you, it would say: “I’m working hard…"
“PBC can be a lonely disease, as most people don’t understand it,” wrote a member of the American Liver Foundation’s Facebook group.
My name is Carolyn Evans and I was diagnosed with Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC) in 1992.
Biliary atresia is a disease of the bile ducts that affects only infants. It is rare, affecting about one out of every 18,000 infants.
Liver cancer strikes 33,000 Americans annually, according to the American Cancer Society and it is expected that 23,000 Americans will die as a result of liver cancer this year.