Hepatitis C

Updates on Hepatitis B and C for Patients
June 11, 2024

An educational webinar focused on screening, linkage to care, and disparities in the cascade of care and new HBV screening and vaccination guidelines and Hep C Treatment.

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Liver Cancer—Darryl’s Story
July 20, 2023

After being in recovery for 14 years from substance and alcohol use disorders, Darryl was shocked to learn he had Hepatitis C, which led to liver cancer. Now 35 years in recovery, watch Darryl’s inspiring story and how a liver transplant saved his life!

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Hepatitis C: Treatment and Support
June 8, 2023

In this video, liver disease expert Dr. Nancy Reau talks about how and where to find resources and support after being […]

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Hepatitis C: The Silent Disease
June 8, 2023

In this video, liver disease expert Dr. Nancy Reau answers common questions about hepatitis C, including why it is called a […]

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Hepatitis C: Frequently Asked Questions
October 6, 2022

In this recent video, infectious disease expert Dr. Nancy Reau discusses the answers to frequently asked questions about hepatitis C, including what it is, how it is spread, and available options for treatment. Information on how often to expect check-ins during treatment and follow-up and tips for how to stay healthy is also reviewed.

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Hepatitis C: Life After Cure
October 6, 2022

In this video, infectious disease expert Dr. Nancy Reau answers common questions on what to expect after being cured from hepatitis C, such as the need for follow-up appointments, whether alcohol consumption is advised after treatment, and more. Plus, hear from a real patient cured from HCV on how he feels today and his top take-home message.

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Getting Hepatitis C Treatment through Insurance
December 1, 2017

Last updated on November 30th, 2022 at 04:09 pm

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