Health & Wellness

Vaccinations to Manage Chronic Disease
July 22, 2022

Last updated on August 8th, 2022 at 10:56 am

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Vaccinations Are an Integral Part of Wellness
July 22, 2022

Last updated on August 8th, 2022 at 11:01 am

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Managing Your Medications with Liver Disease
July 22, 2022

Last updated on August 4th, 2022 at 09:19 am

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Tools and Techniques for Self-Management
July 11, 2022

Making the most of mindfulness techniques to cope with stress and the healing process.

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Coping with Liver Disease
July 11, 2022

Living with a chronic disease requires treating the diagnosis and physical symptoms, with little attention paid to emotional well-being.

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Accessing HCV Medication through Insurance
June 17, 2022

Michelle Martin, PharmD of the University of Chicago Liver Clinic presents on the challenges of obtaining Hepatitis C virus medication approvals.

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Turkey Burger
March 28, 2022

Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly helps the liver to work well. If you’re living with liver disease, your diet is often adjusted to meet your individual needs.

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Liver Loving Quinoa
March 28, 2022

Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly helps the liver to work well. If you’re living with liver disease, your diet is often adjusted to meet your individual needs.

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The Role of Telemedicine in the Management of Liver Disease
December 22, 2021

Dr. Binu John explains the use of telehealth in hepatology. Dr. Jean-Paul Achkar covers the “how to” of virtual visit documentation and billing, and provide sample cases.

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Behavioral Approaches for Lifestyle and Nutrition Management of NAFLD
December 1, 2021

This presentation is an excerpt from the ALF 2021 Poster Competition and showcases posters and a brief video created by early career investigators.

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Weigh the Options: Weight Loss Methods in Fatty Liver Disease
December 1, 2021

This presentation is an excerpt from the ALF 2021 Poster Competition and showcases posters and a brief video created by early career investigators.

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Nutrition & the Liver
November 26, 2021

The American Liver Foundation presents “Nutrition & the Liver” as part of the 2021 Liver Cancer Conference presented by Dr. Ed McDonald.

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