Did you know that incidence of hepatitis A and hepatitis C in the United States has increased significantly from 2014 to 2018?
Did you know rates of liver cancer incidence have more than tripled since 1980? During this time, death rates have more than doubled.
Did you know that Biliary Atresia is the most common indication for liver transplant in children?
Dr. Gideon Hirschfield is a leading voice in the field of autoimmune liver disease.
ALF, in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC), launched The Greatest Gift Initiative to raise awareness about lifesaving living-donor liver transplantation.
I was diagnosed with End-Stage Liver Disease caused from Hepatic Encephalopathy. That began a journey during which I was to learn first hand of the benefits of ALF.
Kennedie has Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis type 2. Her liver doesn’t produce the protein that exports bile out of the liver to break down fat and absorb fat soluble vitamins.