African Americans experience disparities at each phase along the spectrum of chronic liver disease.
As an infant I was diagnosed with Biliary Atresia, underwent the Kasai procedure, and had my gallbladder removed.
My liver was in trouble. I learned that the ducts from the liver that deliver bile to the intestines had become damaged. There was a good possibility my liver would eventually fail.
Carley Vogel talks about her participation in Hill Week with ALF, and asks that you reach out to lawmakers to ask for prioritized funding and research for liver disease.
I was born with the liver disease known as Biliary Atresia. My parent’s first suspected something was wrong when they noticed that my skin and eyes were yellowing.
The best way to fight liver disease is to avoid it, if at all possible. Here are 13 tried and true ways to achieve liver wellness!
Hepatitis B is a chronic form of Hepatitis that can cause individuals to develop liver complications such as liver cancer, and cirrhosis.
Ten years earlier, Jack was diagnosed with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, an inherited disorder that can ultimately lead to liver failure.
Taking medication at the exact frequency and dosage prescribed is an essential part of managing hepatitis C.
I currently manage a chronic liver disease called Autoimmune Hepatitis. At the age of 12 I fell into complete liver failure and was rushed to Egleston Children’s Hospital in Atlanta.