Meet Dr. Robert Wong, MD, MS, Clinical Associate Professor (Affiliated) of Medicine in the division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the Stanford University School of Medicine and Staff Physician in the Gastroenterology Section at the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Healthcare System.
“As physicians, our voices matter to legislators just as much as the voices of our patients. We too can affect change by sharing our stories and experiences. It does not require a lot of time, either – the most important thing is to show up with a smile on your face and a true passion for the cause!”
“My grandma played a pivotal role in my decision to pursue health advocacy. As a public health professional, I am dedicated to raising awareness around the importance of doing more intentional outreach, education and research with linguistically and ethnically diverse communities to achieve health equity and improve polices that benefit all community members.”
Donald Melillo participated in the evaluation of research applications submitted to the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program's (CDMRP) Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program (PRCRP).
Carley Vogel talks about her participation in Hill Week with ALF, and asks that you reach out to lawmakers to ask for prioritized funding and research for liver disease.
I don’t have a liver condition nor does anyone in my family, but I know the pain and worry a family can feel if they have a loved one with liver disease.
My name is Carolyn Evans and I was diagnosed with Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC) in 1992.
New York Times best-selling author Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project, Happier at Home and the newly released Better Than Before is one face impacted by liver disease.