Fatty Liver Disease (Steatotic Liver Disease)

A Legendary Mission to Raise Public Awareness 
April 22, 2024

After his father passed away from liver cancer in 1999, Jim made it his mission to raise public awareness of liver disease and raise funds for liver disease research by running marathons in his memory. This year, as Jim approaches his 300th marathon, he has challenged himself to raise $100,000 for ALF. Read about Jim's legendary mission and how he hopes to change the face of liver disease one step at a time.

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In my case, this diagnosis was preventable
September 8, 2023

While caring for his ailing mother, Daniel let his own health go by the wayside. By the time he decided to take back control, it was too late. Read about Daniels story and importance of liver health and liver disease prevention.

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Philip S.
November 25, 2020

Working for ALF these past 10 years has been a mission for me. I had NASH, I’ve had a transplant, and every time I am able to offer someone hope, I feel so good.

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David R.
November 10, 2020

I didn’t think much about my weight or health during this time. I was diagnosed with a fatty liver and my weight became out of control when I hit 352 pounds.

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Kimberly M.
June 26, 2020

The first symptom of my liver disease was vomiting a large amount of blood. I was told I had end stage cirrhosis, when the day before I had no idea anything was wrong.

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Billy C.
April 20, 2020

Several ultrasounds later I was informed that I had an excessive amount of fat on my liver and that my liver was slightly enlarged.

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April 20, 2020

I couldn’t believe it, I wasn’t a drinker or smoker or did any drugs or anything that I knew of that would give me liver disease. I found out later it was my weight that damaged my liver.

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Nick G.
April 20, 2020

Nick’s grandfather had died of liver disease he thought that teaming up with ALF would be a great way to honor his grandfather’s memory.

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Avani’s NASH Story
October 15, 2019

Avani shares her story and feelings after having been diagnosed with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.

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